Concrete Placement Hose 800 PSI

Concrete Placement Hose

Our concrete placement hose offering greater durability and lower overall replacement costs. It is used to conduct wet cement, plaster, grout, wet shotcrete, and concrete to building structures, dams, tunnel faces, swimming pools, or construction sites. Service life of concrete placement hose may vary depending on the operating conditions, hours of use, and the product being conveyed. Always rotate the hose regularly for even wear and inspect the tube for degradation before use.


These concrete hoses are high pressure pumping components designed to pump concrete and other abrasive mixtures such as plaster and wet cement at a pressure up to 800psi


High abrasion resistant tube Abrasion loss value:DIN53516 70±5mm3 Weather and ozone resistant cover


Tube: Black NR/SBR rubber compound
Reinforcement: Multi ply synthetic fabric or steel wire braiding
Cover: Black,smooth cloth impression,NR/SBR rubber compound

Temperature:-40℃ to +70℃(-40℉ to +158℉)