If you notice any of the following signs during a regular check or at any other time, you should replace your hydraulics hoses and/or fittings as soon as possible:

Look Out for Crushed Hoses

Crushed hoses can lead to pressure build up and cause leaks lead to hoses bursting.

Oil Leaks Around Your Hose
These may indicate that the whole assembly needs to be replaced, but you may only need to replace the fitting themselves. Get a professional opinion before deciding.


Exposed Wire
Any exposed wire is a sign that significant abrasion is occurring and that you need to replace the hose.

Extensive Hose Damage
Some small scuffs and nicks in the outer cover of the hose are normal. If you see damage that goes beyond this, it’s time for a replacement.

Kinks in the Hose
Kinks may indicate incorrect routeing with bend radiuses below the minimum specified by the manufacturer. If these kinks show signs of damage, replace your hose. You may be able to re-route if caught early.

Cracked Fittings
If fittings are cracked or corroded they should be replaced. It may be safest to replace the hose too, as the faulty fittings have caused damage. Some white oxidation on fittings is okay, but red rust is a problem.learn more  about Molecular structure of rubber.