Oil tubing use precautions

Most of the oil tubing damage during normal work is caused by improper use. The incorrect operation can greatly shorten the life of the tubing. The following describes the precautions for the use of tubing: (1) The valve stem should be pulled gently. Due to frequent and severe pressure shocks, the tubing will burst. This…


Orientflex Monthly Sales Champion

On Feb 25th of 2017, our company Sally became Monthly sales champion, she worked at Orientflex more than 10 years, she and Orientflex grow together. The general manager John on behalf of our company gave her the trophy. Congratulations to Sally. Meanwhile, congratulations to Orientflex has very talented staff.QQ图片20170227095503-1


Orientflex walk through 16years

After 16 years of effort, I would like to thank my partners for accompanying Orientflex to grow from a small office to a world factory with global partners. Because of you, we become better, Because of you, we have the opportunity to create more value. Continuous learning of our hard-working employees. We endeavor to create…
